Factoid of the Day (October 24, 2008)
I heard an interesting factoid somewhere in the last few days (sorry, I don't remember the source): The Republicans have not won a Presidential election without Nixon or a Bush on the ticket since 1928:
1952: Eisenhower & Nixon
1956: Eisenhower & Nixon
1968: Nixon & Agnew
1972: Nixon & Agnew
1980: Reagan & Bush
1984: Reagan & Bush
1988: Bush & Quayle
2000: Bush & Cheney
2004: Bush & Cheney
Of course, having Nixon or a Bush on the ticket does not guaranty a victory:
1960: Nixon & Lodge
1992: Bush & Quayle
But when neither Nixon nor a Bush has been on the ticket the Republicans have lost:
1932: Hoover & Curtis
1936: Langdon & Knox
1940: Wilkie & McNarry
1944: Dewey & Bricker
1948: Dewey & Warren
1964: Goldwater & Miller
1976: Ford & Dole
1996: Dole & Kemp
None of this means much, but I found it interesting.

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