Video Roundup
I wanted to gather and post several interesting videos that I’ve come across online over the last week or three.
First, by now you’ve probably heard that Indiana Congressman Mark Souder (R-Indiana) is resigning (just two weeks after winning a primary) because of an affair with a staffer in his office. From the “you can’t make this shit up department” I offer the following video from Rep. Souder’s office (made in late 2009). The woman in the video is the staffer with whom he had the affair. You don’t need to watch more than a few moments (if you do, you may begin to lose IQ points…), but make sure to take note of the subject matter of the video. Oh, and ask yourself why in the world she would sleep with him?
Apparently, much like in the Palin family, abstinence is to be taught, not practiced.
Over the years, a number of campaign ads have become famous (or notorious). Here is a campaign ad that has been flooding the airwaves in Pennsylvania. Before the ad first aired, Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pennsylvania) trailed Sen. Arlen Specter (D/R-Pennsylvania) by double-digits. If polls are correct, it appears that Rep. Sestak has closed that gap and may, in fact, win today’s Pennsylvania Senate primary. If he does, I think that this ad will have been largely responsible.
In another primary battle, Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) has been forced to move to the right to try to fend off a challenge by former Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-Arizona). That gave rise to the following unintentionally hysterical ad. Note that the sheriff that Sen. McCain is talking to is not actually the sheriff of a county on the Mexican border. The sheriff of the county with the fence that they’re walking along opposes the fence being discussed.
But just in case that wasn’t funny enough:
As long as humor is the subject, let’s take a look at this next video featuring the former voiceover actor for Geico (not the gecko) who was fired after he “dialed drunk” and left a nasty voicemail on the answering machine for Freedom Works, the non-grassroots organization chaired by former Rep. Dick Armey (R-Texas) that is largely behind the rise of the Tea Party movement (though they keep denying it). Warning: Language.
Last week, I posted my latest entry for The Indianapolis Star’s IN Touch blog (which, by the way, was included in the print edition of The Indianapolis Star for Sunday, May 16, 2010). Here’s a video demonstrating why we don’t need prayer’s at public school graduations (this video is from the late ’90s from a public university in Texas).
Here’s a brilliant takedown of Glenn Beck from Lewis Black on The Daily Show.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c |
Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's | |
And finally, I bring you this gem (which should really be the subject of its own post). I’m not a big fan of David Horowitz. He’s a bit too far right for my tastes. But I’m including this post not for his part in it but rather for the sentiments expressed by the woman representing the University of California San Diego Muslim Students’ Alliance. Listen carefully. This is what passes for dialogue on our campuses now. I’ve got a lot more to say about this video and the thoughts expressed by this woman, but I wanted to be sure that people had a chance to see the video as I’m not sure when I’ll have a chance to discuss this issue at more length.
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Election, Humor, Immigration, Israel, Politics

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