Belief vs. Science: Quick Observations
Scientists believe* that life on Earth, including humans, has evolved from primitive organisms to the modern, complex forms of life with which we are familiar. Some, however, believe that a deity or “intelligent designer” created humans; they do not believe in evolutionary biology.
Scientists believe* that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. They’ve reached this determination on the basis of radiometric age dating and other scientific methodologies. Some, however, believe that the Earth was “created” about 6,000 years ago.
Scientists believe* that human actions are causing global climate change. Some either do not believe that the Earth is experiencing climate change or suggest that it is "natural” and not caused by human action.
Scientists believe* that vaccines do not cause autism. Some believe that these scientists are wrong.
Scientists believe* that small microorganisms called viruses or bacteria cause certain illnesses. Some believe that illness is caused by impure thoughts or evil humors or an angry deity.
Scientists believe* that medications help fight illnesses. Some believe that prayer fights illnesses.
Scientists believe* that earthquakes and the eruption of volcanoes are caused by shifts and the Earth’s tectonic plates and underlying geology. Some believe that earthquakes and the eruption of volcanoes are the acts of an angry deity.
Scientists believe* that hurricanes are a natural phenomena that is part of the planet’s global climate and weather pattern. Some believe that hurricanes, like earthquakes, are the acts of an angry deity.
Scientists believe* that the Earth is a sphere that orbits the Sun. Some believe that the Earth is flat and that the Sun orbits the Earth.
So, in which category do you fall? Do you agree with science? Or do you reject science? And, when we look generally at those who reject the scientific beliefs set forth above, what similarities do we note and what conclusions can we draw? Just askin’…
*Yes, I know that scientists are not unanimous in these beliefs. But there is certainly an overwhelming scientific consensus supporting these positions.
Labels: Environment, Religion, Science

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