Helping Jewish Voters Feel More Comfortable With Obama
For reasons that I feel are mostly irrational (and which I have previously discussed at length), some Jewish voters -- particularly older Jewish voters -- are still having difficulty accepting Barack Obama. A few days ago I posted about Sarah Silverman and The Great Schlep. Here is another video that, I hope, will help Jews -- especially older Jews -- feel more comfortable with Sen. Obama:
Take a few minutes and play this video for your Bubbie or Zadie (or mom or dad or cousin or whomever...). Then show them the page on Sen. Obama's website aimed at Jewish voters, download the talking points from The Great Schlep and talk to them about the issues, then have them registser at JewsVote so that they can send emails to their friends.
This election is absolutely critical to our generation; it is even more critical for our children. Be sure that previous generations understand the importance of this election to us and ask them to do their part to help their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and our nation and planet.
We Jews believe in tikun olam (healing the world); this is our time to put this grand belief into action.
Labels: Election

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