Another Yard Sign Stolen
Back in April, in the week leading up to Indiana's primary, I reported about my yard sign being stolen. Well, it happened again. When I went out to get the paper this morning, I discovered that our Obama - Biden sign was missing. More troubling was my discovery, as I drove through the neighborhood on my way to work, that virtually all of the Obama yard signs in our neighborhood were missing (and, as of just a few days ago, there were quite a few Obama signs in our neighborhood). Not surprisingly, none of the McCain signs appeared to have been stolen.
I went ahead and made a police report. I did so just to make my point, not because I think that the police will thoroughly investigate the theft or find the culprit. But when the officer spoke to my wife, he did tell her that lots and lots of Obama signs are being stolen throughout Carmel.
So my question is this: What does the City of Carmel intend to do to protect the political and free speech rights of those espousing a minority viewpoint? And what do those of us with that minority political viewpoint intend to do? For one thing, I plan to get another Obama sign and put it right back where the old one was. Every sign that I'm forced to "buy" will just put a few more dollars in Sen. Obama's campaign bank account...

Hey, Mike,
Where'd you get your yard sign? I had a message on my phone with the address of the new Carmel Obama office but my husband *accidentally* erased it! I have a bumper sticker, but I need a yard sign. I hope I'm right that you're the same guy I went to high school with! Was that also you I saw mentioned in the scuffle about the new social studies textbooks? Love that community activism!
Heather (Fitzgerald)Elliott
The Campaign for Change (Obama) office in Carmel is in the old Mohawk shopping center (off Rangeline, just north of 126th). We stopped by last night and picked up a new yard sign (and a cool "Vote Early" poster). And yes, I'm the same guy that you went to high school with and the same guy mentioned in the article about textbooks (although I've tried to keep my personal thoughts and actions separate from things I've done on behalf of community organziations; hence the lack of discussion of the textbooks on this blog).
As to community activism, a large part of making a representative democracy work is letting our government know what we think and what our concerns are, especially when our opinions represent a minority viewpoint.
Hey, thanks for the info. Looks like life is treating you and your family well -- I'm happy to see that! Your kids look adorable from their pictures. Mike (Elliott) and I have twin boys in grade 7! Time flies! Nice to blog at you!
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