Some Campaign Humor
Just to throw a little levity into the election season, my wife found a couple of terrific videos worth spending a few minutes watching:
You've probably heard (over and over and over) Katy Perry's song "I Kissed a Girl". Well, here's an alternate take (let the video load and then forward to about 1:32 -- the first minute or so isn't worth watching):
Did you wonder what it must have been like when Sen. McCain asked Gov. Palin to join him on the Republican ticket:
And in the grand tradition of Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone, we have The Ballad of Sarah Palin:
Finally, even Steven Colbert had a bit of fun with Gov. Palin's nomination (be aware of profanity at the very beginning of the video and you can probably stop watching at 4:00 when it starts incorporating some footage from The Family Guy cartoon):

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