Friday, February 8, 2008

Pardon the Dust and Lack of Updates

Sorry for the lack of substantive posts over the last week or so. A combination of things have kept me from posting any "serious" essays. I've been spending quite a bit of free time working on my letter to author Steve Berry regarding The Alexandria Link. I hope to have that finished sometime next week. It is unfortunately (fortunately?) very long, but I'd rather be thorough and make the points and address the issues that need to be made and addressed.

I also had a long discussion this morning with an Indiana legislator regarding the proposed immigration bill now working its way through the Indiana General Assembly. Frankly, this is not an issue that I'd given much attention to, but I was intrigued by some of the points that were disucssed and I'm going to spend some time learning more about the legislation.

Finally, over the next week or two, this site may undergo a bit of design tinkering (you may have even noticed a small graphical glitch). I'm trying to work out a way to make the area set aside for the actual text of the blog to display in a wider box. I'd prefer not to have the big right margin that higher resolution monitors have. Also, I'm working on a few other bits and pieces that may make the site easier to use. So, in the meantime, please pardon the dust. I've even been offered a little cash to include an advertisement; I'm not sure if I want to go that route, but money allegedly makes the world go 'round.

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