Yeah, I Know It’s Been a Bit Quiet Around Here
Sorry for the lack of recent posts. Don’t worry, I haven’t abandoned this blog. Work, family obligations, and the High Holidays interfered. Plus, I find myself working on several possible posts all at once, none of which have I managed to get to a point at which I’m satisfied enough to post.
But if you’re interested, please follow me on Twitter; I tend to post a lot of my thoughts there (and at 140 characters maximum, I’m forced to be much more concise…).
Also, several people have reported issues with posting comments. If you’ve had any problems, please let me know. It will help me to troubleshoot if you tell me the platform and operating system you’re using (i.e., Windows or Mac, iPhone or Android) and whether you tried to leave the comment anonymously or via one of the accounts supported by Blogger’s commenting system.
Labels: Blogging

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