Apparently, I Have Enemies
Other than spam, scam emails have become a bane of online activity. We’ve all received emails from people in Nigeria or Hong Kong or wherever looking for our help in accessing their funds, for which we’ll be paid a handsome reward. And as an attorney, I frequently receive bogus requests to help chase spouses or debtors “in my jurisdiction”. But this weekend, I received a completely new sort of scam email:
From: Ramzi Abdul
Subject: I was sent to kill you
To your attention
I want you to read this message very carefully and that you keep the secret until further notice. You do not need to know or who I am or where I come from. I was paid an advance of $60,000 to kill you. My sponsors one of which is what we can call a friend gave me the reasons I noted. I am more than 5 days on the mission and i have known your house and every of your moves both day and night and your loved ones and there is no way of you escaping from me because i am good at the job i was paid for.I am a killer and mafia and now I know that you are innocent of what you are accused. Do not try to warn or send this message to the FBI or the police or any of your relatives or friends because i am watching you every minute and secs of the day because I know that I'll have to do the job for which I was paid. Note that this is the first time that I am going to betray my employer.
Look, I will do everything I can so that we can meet but I need you to pay me $4,000 dollars.You have nothing to be afraid of me, I can come and see you in your office or home once you have complied and paid me the $4,000 dollars i need from you now so i can explain everything to you, it is up to you to decide. Never attempt recording or filming our upcoming meeting. If you do, It will cost your life.Once payment is made, I will give you the file that contains the names and queries of the sponsors. This is a good evidence that can be used to sue him if you wish. The balance of the payment is $7,000 which will be settled later when we meet. For the moment this is not the trouble I give you my phone number because you will cooperate.I have your picture and other important information about you and your loved ones. I was involved with my team in the Yemen Arab Republic. You must not ask me any questions.
Quickly confirm for your good.
Well, at least I’m presuming that this is a scam. If you’ve taken out a contract to kill me, give me call. Let’s do lunch, instead.
I did speak to a local FBI representative just to be sure that this was, in fact, just another Internet scam. She said that it was and that she’s seen it before. For what it’s worth, I did report this to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

Seems we have the same problem. I have actually engaged him in a few e-mails, becomes rather funny.
Someone must have a lot of grudges and a lot of money to spend on assassins! I'd be curious to see the funny email exchanges with our mutual "friend".
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