Thursday, December 29, 2011

Back From Vacation

So I’m back from vacation, though not quite as rested as I’d like (and the nasty head cold and hacking cough don’t help).

I have several things that I hope to start writing about in the next few days, though it’s doubtful that I’ll have anything to post until after New Year.

One article that I’m working on is a long-ish examination of Ron Paul. Too many liberals have been seduced by his anti-war position but have completely ignored (or missed) his racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, white supremacist, nativistic, survivalist, anti-government, conspiracy positions … or the fact that he appears to be a liar. So I’ve been collecting all kinds of bits and pieces of information about Paul that I’m working on bringing together into a single post that will hopefully be a sort of one-stop shopping place to go for all sorts of reasons of why Paul should be avoided.

And, I’m sure that as the primaries heat up (well, if they heat up; if Romney does well in Iowa and/or South Carolina, it could be over…) I’ll have more to say.

In the meantime, is there any subject that you’d like to see me address?

Until then, Happy New Year.


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At Thursday, March 15, 2012 8:06:00 AM , Blogger Josh said...

Welcome back. I had just read your article "Anatomy of an Apology" and subscribed to you. Unfortunately, I don't have yet the time to read your other articles but I promised myself to do so this weekend. I love how you really research on the topics you cover.

Florida Beach Cottages


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